1. Human history, our history, is the story of two Adams with two very different encounters with the devil.
  2. We don't make Church "happen." Only Christ can do so. It's his happening.
  3. Even if the numbers are bad, the news about Jesus crucified for sinners and raised to new life hasn’t become any less good.
  4. There is a revival, no less real and even more definitive, taking place in every church, every weekend, where God’s people gather around his gifts.
  5. Ash Wednesday's purpose is not to motivate our resolve to redouble our efforts to do better.
  6. A Christian is a man who desires to enter heaven not through his own goodness and works, but through the righteousness and works of Christ.
  7. Even as he was dying, the heart of God poured itself out for the sake of sinners.
  8. This is an excerpt from “The Alien and the Proper: Luther's Two-Fold Righteousness in Controversy, Ministry, and Citizenship,” edited by Robert Kolb (1517 Publishing, 2023). Now available for purchase.
  9. This is an excerpt from “The Alien and the Proper: Luther's Two-Fold Righteousness in Controversy, Ministry, and Citizenship,” edited by Robert Kolb (1517 Publishing, 2023).
  10. The sign of the cross, according to the earliest centuries of Christians, is “the sign of the Lord,” and every baptized Christian was “marked” with it.
  11. Repentance is meaningless unless we are willing to acknowledge who we are: sinners needing mercy.
  12. Despite our best efforts to avoid him, King Jesus remains very much unavoidable.