1. Prior sees much of evangelicalism’s imaginary trouble arising from the fact that it emphasizes quick and dramatic conversion experiences and a personally directed relationship with God.
  2. I’ve experienced firsthand the promise that God never leaves a congregation empty-handed.
  3. God’s published will offers us anchorage, the anchorage of Jesus Christ, in the midst of chaos, reminding us that there is a greater purpose to our lives than the pursuit of worldly success or fleeting pleasures.
  4. The Holy Spirit unleashes his power through us, his vines, and we then get to watch as his fruits blossom and ripen.
  5. Everything in Scripture is God revealing himself to his people, you and me.
  6. It’s not our eloquence or persuasive rhetoric that changes hearts, but the Word of God that pierces through the hardened shells of unbelief and breathes life into the dead bones of sinners.
  7. God's faithfulness is constant and consistent. It knows no season. His love for us doesn't fade with the summer sun.
  8. We number our days not according to our timeframe but according to God’s work and his rhythms.
  9. The Holy Spirit isn’t so much the one you look at, as he is the one who turns you from looking at yourself and your sin to your Savior, Jesus.
  10. What might Christians of the Reformation tradition think of claims like these about the nature of salvation?
  11. What greater legacy could you claim than that of Mark? Listen to the Word. Learn from Jesus.
  12. Past, present, and future are tied together in Christ.