1. What does professional wrestling and preaching have in common?
  2. We still think we can sort own own problems with more money, more education, more resources, more techniques, more, more, more.
  3. Tolkien's hero Tom Bombadil functions to showcase the Gospel
  4. No plot spoilers here just some really Good News
  5. Human solutions to problems, important as they are, are inadequate to meet our deepest needs
  6. The issue is not the existence of so-called inner rings, but our desire and willingness to spend our lives in order to gain from an inner ring what is freely promised in Christ: hope, security, and identity.
  7. Prior sees much of evangelicalism’s imaginary trouble arising from the fact that it emphasizes quick and dramatic conversion experiences and a personally directed relationship with God.
  8. We may not all be mass-murdering Nazis. But we all have the same root sin that causes the most egregious criminal activity on the face of the earth. We all have the desire to be our own God.
  9. Grace comes for every foolish, self-absorbed sinner, for every “Nabal,” and announces that there is one who has already taken it upon himself to shoulder all of our wrongdoing, paying the price for it through the sacrifice of himself.
  10. The Parable of the Lost Sheep bursts through the confines of convention and demands that we embrace the messiness of life and the unpredictable ways in which God's grace and forgiveness operates.
  11. Tim wanted everyone to know to the deepest part of their being that they were justified by Christ alone.