1. It's easy to have courage when things go well.
  2. Regardless of background or beliefs, every American I talk to seems on edge, as if the sky were about to fall. But the sky is not falling.
  3. Regularly reading and hearing God’s Word helps us to keep a song in our hearts.
  4. What if the dissonance in this calendrical coincidence can be harmonized into a deeper melody?
  5. God never delights in seeing his children struggle or suffer. But God does desire that we trust him no matter what the circumstances might look like.
  6. A “good death” and “good life” are not accomplished through personal striving but are grasped by faith in the promises of God.
  7. What’s the big deal about Jesus’ name?
  8. Your heavenly Father has not purchased you with gold or with silver but with the most valuable currency in the universe; the blood of God.
  9. I didn’t see Christmas as a gift given to me to enjoy, I saw Christmas as a long list of expectations I needed to hold up to love those around me.
  10. Can you imagine Christmas from creation’s point of view?
  11. Luke shows us that when we try to fit God into our life movie, the plot is all wrong; and not just wrong but trivial.
  12. We still think we can sort own own problems with more money, more education, more resources, more techniques, more, more, more.