1. Don’t get in the habit (or, if you already do it, get out of the habit) of saying, “I could never talk about these things the way my pastor does.”
  2. The opponents of Father Brown thought that debunking the fake resurrection of Father Brown would discredit the good news of Christ's resurrection. The truth, however, is the other way around.
  3. We are not pursuing dragons; we are the dragons. We are, all of us, Eustace Scrubb.
  4. Rod Rosenbladt, the encourager of all things good, true, and beautiful and a tireless warrior for Jesus and the Gospel message, finally rests at the marriage feast of the lamb.
  5. The more I got to know Dr. Rosenbladt, the more I saw that he wasn’t a man divided.
  6. He was rooted in his own tradition but gracious with others when they wanted to learn about his faith or their own.
  7. Anyone could tell he enjoyed teaching theology and loved his students.
  8. One way or another, Rod always found a way to bring whatever story he was telling back to the gospel and God's grace in Christ.
  9. In a world—and even a church—full of distractions, thank God for Rod Rosenbladt. He pointed us to Jesus and Jesus alone.
  10. My goal here isn’t to selfishly reflect on all the reasons I will miss Rod because I know that if you are reading this, you may miss this man, too.
  11. In this article Amy Mantravadi give a short but helpful summary of the differences in Lutheran and Reformed thought regarding assurance.