1. God cares about our real life where we actually are. He is present in the everyday.
  2. What I desperately needed was not to preach to myself, but to listen to a preacher—not to take myself in hand, but to be taken in the hands of the Almighty.
  3. We number our days not according to our timeframe but according to God’s work and his rhythms.
  4. Tim wanted everyone to know to the deepest part of their being that they were justified by Christ alone.
  5. This is the Christian word: grace. Such grace is found only with this Lamb who is also our Shepherd.
  6. Luther's emphasis on the need for sinners to have preachers who can provide them with the comfort and support they need for their faith in Jesus Christ and life is as relevant today as it was in his time.
  7. May you believe, in this thin-line world, that this Jesus is for you, not against you.
  8. Walther’s living legacy is his enduring teaching on how to distinguish the law and the gospel in the Church’s proclamation.
  9. The only way to change the current state of worship songwriting and production is to create something different.
  10. How can we be sure that we are getting a “solid spiritual diet” and not a “milky” one?
  11. Although Jesus bodily ascended and is hidden from our earthly eyes, he is not far off.