1. "Faith Alone, The Heart of Everything" written by Bo Giertz and translated by Bror Erickson, is now available for purchase from 1517 Publishing
  2. Faith Alone is a translation of Bo Giertz’s second novel, which was originally titled Tron Allena.
  3. There is no justification except by faith alone. The radical forgiveness itself puts the old to death and calls forth the new.
  4. By basing our assurance on the promises of God, which we not only hope for in the future but live in now, the Christian can finally rest in the comfort that they are both saved and not responsible for their own salvation.
  5. Using common everyday events, Carnell sought to clarify that there are three standards of duty that we demand others to respect to protect our dignity.
  6. The gospel does not proclaim the results of our practical reasoning about things we experience, but the horror of God crucified for our sins and at our hands.
  7. The Lamb is where we are, opposite God, in our place as sinners. He bears our punishment of sin, the forsakenness of God. Anyone bearing his or her own sin is finally lost, but not Jesus.
  8. Virtue, like all good things, can easily be weaponized. And not only can, but constantly is. Indeed, I would argue that, for churchgoing, rule-following, tradition-honoring, morality-applauding people, virtue often becomes the cancer that we deem a badge of honor.
  9. While we are promised that God will always be with us, we are also told of the benefits that can come to us even in our pain.
  10. I can only disbelieve you or believe you. If I disbelieve you, I go on being a miserable bore.
  11. The law does not end sin, does not make new beings, it only makes matters worse.
  12. Here’s a little “devotional” for you; some thoughts on Law and Gospel from Gerhard Forde. Drink deep, drink full. These are rich streams of thought.