1. God’s gifts, in turn, conform our minds to the mind of Christ, and catechize our imagination in the image of God’s Son.
  2. This book is not in your hands so that we can simply commiserate with each other’s difficulties. It is meant to pierce your sin-darkened night with the light of God’s Word.
  3. Free-range Christ is fearful Christ because he is present, speaking, and I just crucified him.
  4. Easter must be seen in light of the cross. It must never overshadow Good Friday. They are a packaged deal!
  5. The promise here is that God is present with us in our troubles, issuing commands to save us before we ask. God does not ignore our suffering and cries.
  6. This world of unbearable grief and accidental calamity is being renewed and, soon, will be completely bereft of every pernicious foe.
  7. The imprecatory psalms are like release valves for hurting souls. Their stanzas are God-given spaces in which we can bear our soul’s torment.
  8. Men and women are all caught in the universal machine of suffering that chews people up and spits them out. And in their respective griefs and fears, they are all wondering if God sees them, hears them, knows them.
  9. Our only claim to fame is that we have been claimed by a God who is consistently drawn to losers!
  10. Christ has received the mark of law that we might be marked with the gospel, with the sign of his holy cross on our heads and hearts as redeemed children of God.
  11. He also took our own history and suffered all the agony and pain of our own lives.