1. This is the message of Lent. We are not called to sacrifice for Jesus in order to earn our salvation. Rather, we are called to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for us.
  2. Reading includes, on some level, striving. Hearing, on the other hand, remains passive.
  3. Love is pointing to Jesus who said, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).
  4. The further up and further into the season of Epiphany we get, the bigger the grace of God in Christ is, the brighter the Light of Christ shines, and the more blessed we are in Jesus' epiphany for us.
  5. The good news of the Gospel is Jesus has come, and Jesus will come again.
  6. God the Father sent us – his wayward, sinful, and naughty children – his own series of Father Christmas Letters.
  7. Psalm 8 is a trailer for the entire biblical movie, and the entire biblical movie centers on Christ.
  8. Who would ever want all these screamers and haters? It turns out that Christ does.
  9. Through water, blood, and word, the Spirit never stops pointing us to Christ, and even more, giving us Christ.
  10. Even though All Saints is a day for remembering the dead, it is not a day of mourning.
  11. Both now and forever, the bruised and crucified Lord nailed to a cross is our assurance of deliverance.