1. For almost three years, I have produced a weekly video in the series “Reading the Gospels through Hebrew Eyes.” Here is an index of all the Gospel readings covered so far, with links to their YouTube videos.
  2. To trust in the Lord, the Messiah, the Deliverer, is our salvation and our only hope. Yet he does not trust us to have this “trust” on our own or of our own will.
  3. A.I. can’t make the proclamatory move that delivers God’s word in a way that is specifically for me.
  4. By his first Advent in the flesh, through his second Advent with bread and wine and water and Word, we await his third Advent at the end.
  5. The waiting of Advent isn’t just for Christmas; it’s for God’s reversal of all sin and evil and his renewal of all things.
  6. The Church stands firm on the word of promise that Christ will one day return to change what we know by faith into sight.
  7. That is the task of preaching in these last weeks of the Church Year, to enable the people given to our care, to praise God from the perspective of the end when our Lord will return in glory bringing us into His Kingdom of glory.
  8. Preachers and church workers must also hear the gospel preached to them.
  9. The mind-blowing part of this entire story, though, isn’t that only one leper came back to “give thanks,” but that the Lord Jesus healed all ten knowing full well that only one would come back.
  10. From the beginning to the end of his letter, John really wants one thing: for us to be in Jesus.
  11. Every day is a Sabbath for Christians. Every day is the day the Lord has made. Every day is a day to find rest in Christ.