1. Faith should later again flow forth from our heart’s depths to our neighbor freely and unhindered in good works; not that we wish to rest our salvation in them; for God will not have that, but wishes the conscience to rest in himself alone.
  2. In honor of this anniversary celebration, here are five fun facts about The Lord of the Rings that I hope you will enjoy.
  3. So what, if anything, makes us different from those who are waiting on the grassy knoll in Dallas, TX? Can we be any more sure of our belief in the resurrection?
  4. The church is the only place God promises to lift us out of ourselves not in order to become more like God but so that we may finally be freed from our obsession with becoming little gods.
  5. Our experience with good fathers – even when they are not our own – can point us to God the Father.
  6. Jesus meets us in our life of lies, in our falsehoods, in the untruth of our being, and in the company, we create to cover up our nakedness.
  7. When we — sinful, reprehensible we — become the enforcers of justice, we never bring about true justice. We either go too far or not far enough.
  8. The entrance of children into the world reminds our world of the hope of redemption in Genesis 3:15.
  9. The goal of language in the mouth of a Christian isn’t to hold power for ourselves but to give it.
  10. Rachel was the beloved wife, to be sure, but she was not the maternal link between Eve and Mary. That blessed position belonged to Leah.
  11. Jesus’s freedom is different. It isn’t meant to indicate that the moorings which tether men and women to what is true, beautiful, and holy are unfastened, liberating them to do anything they please.
  12. When sin comes out of the shadows and makes itself known, Christians can rest in and declare Christ's resurrection.