1. When the waters of anxiety and depression rise, there is One who understands.
  2. 1517 Resources to help Celebrate Reformation Day
  3. Theology and history go hand in hand in the real person of Jesus Christ, making the truth of the Gospels profoundly human and powerfully meaningful.
  4. Attempting to escape the errors of medieval Catholic thinking, Agricola ended up making the same mistake of conflating law and gospel.
  5. Charles V, for all his power, his lands, and his riches, was ultimately unable to hinder the spread of the precious Gospel.
  6. We know that death does not have the last word in Christ.
  7. The Lord has remembered to help his servant Israel, to fulfill his promises to Abraham and to his offspring forever, not mostly or mainly because of his mercy, but exclusively so.
  8. This is an edited excerpt from the conclusion of The Resurrection Fact: Responding to Modern Critics, edited by John Bombaro and Adam Francisco. (1517 Publishing, 2016).
  9. Prior sees much of evangelicalism’s imaginary trouble arising from the fact that it emphasizes quick and dramatic conversion experiences and a personally directed relationship with God.
  10. God comes to us through the flesh and blood and spirit of Christ precisely where he promised to be manifest to us and for us.
  11. This is an excerpt from “Finding God in the Darkness: Hopeful Reflections from the Pits of Depression, Despair, and Disappointment” by Bradley Gray (1517 Publishing, 2023).