1. My goal here isn’t to selfishly reflect on all the reasons I will miss Rod because I know that if you are reading this, you may miss this man, too.
  2. The essence of what it means to be a son or daughter of Abraham, an inheritor of the Abrahamic promise, was irrevocably tethered to faith.
  3. What does professional wrestling and preaching have in common?
  4. What (if anything) makes a sermon distinctive?
  5. How’s your ticker?
  6. We still think we can sort own own problems with more money, more education, more resources, more techniques, more, more, more.
  7. Rick Ritchie gives a brief summary on the importance of Plato’s thought in Christianity
  8. There is no justification by the works of the law
  9. Scent plays an important role in our memories and the story of Scripture
  10. Confession and absolution offer more than assurance, they gift real and genuine Divine promises.
  11. As much as we want the glory, riches, and knowledge of Dantes, what we need is Jean Valjean's candlesticks.
  12. Charles V, for all his power, his lands, and his riches, was ultimately unable to hinder the spread of the precious Gospel.