1. It’s not our eloquence or persuasive rhetoric that changes hearts, but the Word of God that pierces through the hardened shells of unbelief and breathes life into the dead bones of sinners.
  2. God's faithfulness is constant and consistent. It knows no season. His love for us doesn't fade with the summer sun.
  3. What I desperately needed was not to preach to myself, but to listen to a preacher—not to take myself in hand, but to be taken in the hands of the Almighty.
  4. Christ's words of exclusive salvation are not just a warning but a sure promise for you.
  5. Only by accurately and honestly reporting the views of those with whom we disagree can we then properly address and refute them. This is the approach Solberg has taken.
  6. Some explanations are better than others, but they remain our explanations—except if we had some perspective from outside, above, and behind nature.
  7. When I finished this book, I loved the Bible, and the Bible’s author, even more. And I can’t imagine a better endorsement than that.
  8. God is not calling us to “grow up.” He is calling us to dependence.
  9. Preachers and church workers must also hear the gospel preached to them.
  10. The mind-blowing part of this entire story, though, isn’t that only one leper came back to “give thanks,” but that the Lord Jesus healed all ten knowing full well that only one would come back.
  11. Through water, blood, and word, the Spirit never stops pointing us to Christ, and even more, giving us Christ.
  12. Every incendiary move of God’s Spirit is accompanied by a group of penitent people rediscovering the power and preeminence of God’s Word.