1. For you who are struggling to navigate grief, to cope with pain, or breathe through anxiety, the gospel announces that there is a person whose heart throbs for you.
  2. Rod Rosenbladt, the encourager of all things good, true, and beautiful and a tireless warrior for Jesus and the Gospel message, finally rests at the marriage feast of the lamb.
  3. In a world—and even a church—full of distractions, thank God for Rod Rosenbladt. He pointed us to Jesus and Jesus alone.
  4. Jesus will lead us through the deep waters onto the dry land of that celestial shore, where he will wipe away every tear from our eyes.
  5. Anderson encourages us to meditate upon the ways that Christ truly is the end of our exploring.
  6. Kyle G. Jones gives a broad primer on what apologetics is, what it hopes to accomplish, and its limitations.
  7. C.S. Lewis, Grief, and the Holiday Season
  8. This is an edited excerpt from the conclusion of The Resurrection Fact: Responding to Modern Critics, edited by John Bombaro and Adam Francisco. (1517 Publishing, 2016).
  9. While midnight might seem long, the mercy of God assures us that the morning will come.
  10. This is an excerpt from part two of “Finding God in the Darkness: Hopeful Reflections from the Pits of Depression, Despair, and Disappointment” by Bradley Gray (1517 Publishing, 2023).
  11. A Christian is a man who desires to enter heaven not through his own goodness and works, but through the righteousness and works of Christ.