1. We are chosen in love and for love. We abide in Jesus’ love and Jesus’ love abides in us for the neighbor.
  2. The hallmark of the Spirit of truth is that Jesus Christ, true Son of God, and true Son of Mary, “for us men and for our salvation,” came in the flesh.
  3. Christians are driven by different motives and an altogether different spirit than the unregenerate world.
  4. We are promised we will also be before Him as true persons, both soul and body, a resurrected and fully redeemed human being.
  5. The combination of the incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection mean the present is transformed forever.
  6. There is absence in that all we have is an empty tomb, but presence because, while the tomb is empty, Christ is alive with a gloriously transformed body and with us!
  7. A truly Lenten mindset sees the season as preparatory for the resurrection life of Easter as opposed to the mortification of Good Friday.
  8. No persecutor can avail over the victory of Christ for His people. Even if death separates them from this world, it cannot separate them from the love of God and the redemption accomplished through Jesus Christ.
  9. This pericope has law and gospel, as well as principles of Christian ethic. The effective preacher rightly distinguishes them but also confidently preaches them.  
  10. The Son is the rock or, put differently, Jesus is the Temple of God and, therefore, our one true hope, no matter the persecutions or hardships we may endure.
  11. We recognize no race, no wealth, no class, no status, and no demographic. We have no political parties. We have a King.
  12. Peter admonishes every soul baptized into Christ Jesus to strive for the new life by the Spirit, resulting in a radically new morality, the ethic of Christ’s Kingdom. That is the new normal.

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