1. If God ever forgives you, it is not just allowing you to start over and try harder the second time, but it is a whole, new, complete justification that is given as a free gift and without any work of our own—outside the law.
  2. Here, robed in Word and Sacrament, is your King, infant though He be, come out of eternity into time to bring you out of time and into eternity.
  3. I write this as someone who’s genuinely concerned that American congregants are getting bamboozled by preachers who are giving them less than what they need Sunday after Sunday.
  4. You are not in debt to sin. You don’t owe it anything. There’s no reason for you to serve it.
  5. The shepherds are the most unlikely people to play the role the angels cast them in.
  6. The Advents of Christ (past, present, and future) elicit faith in the word of Christ, confirmed by his presence.
  7. Pastor Craft: Essays and Sermons is now available through 1517 Publishing
  8. Big or small, potential or certain, the despair we may grapple with during this time of year tends to find its end in the fact that things are not as they should be.
  9. Jesus is both the image bearer and the image giver. In Jesus’ incarnation we are redeemed and re-imaged.
  10. Is it possible to celebrate Thanksgiving every time we come together as God’s people as well?
  11. We give thanks to the Father who has made a way for us to sit at his table.
  12. In the Lord’s Thanksgiving Supper, we are not served turkey, green bean casserole, and cornbread. We are served Christ.