1. Hope doesn’t bury its head in the sand but stares, open-eyed, into the truth of this life’s worst horror, and says, “I know the God who went through something even worse, and came out on top.
  2. As I was reading Romans 7 today, I was reminded of a pivotal scene in one of my favorite movies, As Good As it Gets.
  3. Even now we sing as we live in His gifts, and await His second Advent—His second-coming.
  4. "Are you Republican or Democrat?” “Liberal or conservative?” “Yankees or Red Sox?” “Star Wars or Star Trek?”
  5. The love of God in Jesus is our confidence when the world seems to teeter on the brink of self-destruction.
  6. For every child in a mother’s womb, the whole host of heaven and earth, indeed God himself, intercedes.
  7. Beware the lament, dear readers, that is not soothed with the good-goods of Jesus.
  8. Christianity is not a solo endeavor. Not a private relationship between Jesus and me.
  9. Their love story was a long time in coming. He was 82 and she 74. And this was the first, and the last, marriage for both.
  10. A crisis of faith always occurs when we begin to believe that God has betrayed us.
  11. You are changing as your eyes move over these sentences. You are aging. You are on your way to death. And nothing, absolutely nothing, can alter that fact.
  12. The Lord has a special place in his heart for those whom the world forgets. For the anonymous. For the rejected.