1. An immense amount of ink has been spilled contesting and interpreting Bonhoeffer's significance as a figure of Christian history and a theologian of the church.
  2. When we read a good story, we sojourn with the characters and authors upon the trail of longing. Such is the pilgrim’s path.
  3. The sword of the spirit in Holy Scripture does indeed show us our sin, but thanks be to God, it also shows us our Savior.
  4. Our only claim to fame is that we have been claimed by a God who is consistently drawn to losers!
  5. In honor of this anniversary celebration, here are five fun facts about The Lord of the Rings that I hope you will enjoy.
  6. Christmas conversations with Kelsi Klembara, Daniel Emery Price, Scott Keith and Blake Flattley.
  7. This is an excerpt from Chapter 27 in “Pastor Craft: Essays and Sermons” written by John T. Pless (1517 Publishing, 2021). Now Available for Preorder
  8. Is it possible to celebrate Thanksgiving every time we come together as God’s people as well?
  9. What I like about Giertz’s approach is the devotional nature of these commentaries. He’s a pastor concerned with what these texts have to say to us today.
  10. Jesus came from the heights of heaven above to the depths of earth below to rescue and redeem his long-lost love.
  11. Bo Giertz attained infamy in Sweden for a humble adherence to unpopular, orthodox practice and doctrine.