1. Here, robed in Word and Sacrament, is your King, infant though He be, come out of eternity into time to bring you out of time and into eternity.
  2. Our children are not our own, but even more, our children are born in need. They are sinful, from conception and from birth.
  3. You are not in debt to sin. You don’t owe it anything. There’s no reason for you to serve it.
  4. Christ has received the mark of law that we might be marked with the gospel, with the sign of his holy cross on our heads and hearts as redeemed children of God.
  5. While the world and other religions might be fine with considering him everything but, the foremost thing our Jesus came to be and still remains is Jesus, Savior.
  6. Moses was sent to keep the house in order, but this Child is sent to bring the house home, and you are part of that house, the household of God.
  7. The thought of losing even one of those for whom his Son died pains God beyond belief, and the angels rejoice when even one of his children repents.
  8. “The days are coming,” and God said it. God, who kept his promise that Christ would come at Christmas.
  9. This is an excerpt adapted from “Let the Bird Fly” written by Wade Johnston (1517 Publishing, 2019).
  10. It seems like the sky is falling every other day now. From politics to culture to religion to about anything else, there’s one purported cataclysm after another on the horizon.