1. Paul thinks the consequences of Christ not being raised are worse for those who believe than those who never did if it were to be true Christ was not raised.
  2. Unprompted, without any warning, for no reason at all, without any instigation say, "I love you." And that will wash over your parents like a beautiful absolution.
  3. His love for you is so deep that in his mercy, while you were yet a sinner, God sent his only begotten Son to die for you.
  4. Predestination, Jim knew, is no longer a frightening doctrine of mystery when you understand that God makes his choice about you in the simple word of God, given from one sinner to another.
  5. Jesus not only healed her daughter, but he also gave himself to her. Wherever she went from then on, he was with her.
  6. God gives us the power and authority to proclaim the forgiveness of sins to burdened sinners who entrust us with their pain, guilt, and defeat.
  7. The lesson of Malachi reveals God’s love for his people. When the people ask for proof of God’s love, he reminds them of their election.
  8. We will not become hopeless because the Lord is with us.
  9. While the world is full of horizons and endpoints, for Christians, there is always tomorrow, and there are people in that tomorrow waiting for us as we wait for them.
  10. We ache in eager anticipation as we see Christ in action and as we take in the snapshots of his life, death, and resurrection.
  11. Help comes for those who cannot help themselves. When we bottom-out and come to the end of ourselves, that is where hope springs.
  12. Our God is a living God and he listens to our cries for help.