1. When you see the year ending, thank the Lord, because he had led you into this cycle of years.
  2. What’s the big deal about Jesus’ name?
  3. God has a hall ready for us, for us and for so many more
  4. C.S. Lewis, Grief, and the Holiday Season
  5. In an autobiographical telling, Gretchen Ronnevik shares the fate of two different fathers and the hope she has in Christ.
  6. When the waters of anxiety and depression rise, there is One who understands.
  7. We do not choose our struggles, but there is One who has chosen to always be with us.
  8. We know that death does not have the last word in Christ.
  9. The Lord assures Jeremiah he has not forgotten him. He is there and will rescue him.
  10. The Lord has remembered to help his servant Israel, to fulfill his promises to Abraham and to his offspring forever, not mostly or mainly because of his mercy, but exclusively so.
  11. Lord, remember us to remind us, that we may know all good things come from you.
  12. In that moment of greatest despair, we find the antidote for all our fears. We know we are beloved of God and there is salvation in Christ’s atoning death.