1. This is an excerpt from Vocation: The Setting for Human Flourishing written by Michael Berg (1517 Publishing, 2021). Available for purchase this Tuesday!
  2. It’s not the disciples’ faith that invented the resurrection but the resurrection that gave birth to the disciples’ faith.
  3. Has the modern world taken too strong a dose of the gospel as its inheritance from the Reformation?
  4. On this day in the year 1093, Anselm was consecrated as the archbishop of Canterbury.
  5. By basing our assurance on the promises of God, which we not only hope for in the future but live in now, the Christian can finally rest in the comfort that they are both saved and not responsible for their own salvation.
  6. The gospel does not proclaim the results of our practical reasoning about things we experience, but the horror of God crucified for our sins and at our hands.
  7. Virtue, like all good things, can easily be weaponized. And not only can, but constantly is. Indeed, I would argue that, for churchgoing, rule-following, tradition-honoring, morality-applauding people, virtue often becomes the cancer that we deem a badge of honor.
  8. "Are you Republican or Democrat?” “Liberal or conservative?” “Yankees or Red Sox?” “Star Wars or Star Trek?”
  9. Years ago I picked up a used copy of Thomas Á Kempis’ Imitation of Christ at a second-hand bookstore.