1. In a world—and even a church—full of distractions, thank God for Rod Rosenbladt. He pointed us to Jesus and Jesus alone.
  2. Christ's resurrection does not merely negate the bitterness of sin; it changes it into a source of divine sweetness, embodying the promise of a new life for us and a restored existence overshadowed by heavenly hope.
  3. God demonstrates his great love for us in the actions of Jesus, who came down into the flesh and soaked up all our sin.
  4. A “good death” and “good life” are not accomplished through personal striving but are grasped by faith in the promises of God.
  5. Yes, Christmas brings joy, but no less danger
  6. 1517 Resources to help Celebrate Reformation Day
  7. The goodness of God's grace is also offensive to our egos
  8. Even at Lewis’ graveside, Havard was a faithful friend, and a friend full of faith in Christ, confessing his hope in the resurrection.
  9. Attempting to escape the errors of medieval Catholic thinking, Agricola ended up making the same mistake of conflating law and gospel.
  10. Charles V, for all his power, his lands, and his riches, was ultimately unable to hinder the spread of the precious Gospel.