1. St. Patrick was great but only because he was a slave to Christ.
  2. Patrick's breakthrough came when he began to leverage his knowledge of the native language and customs to build a bridge between Irish lore and the Christian mythos.
  3. Are you on the receiving end of freedom? Or are you trying to make yourself free?
  4. Sin is a heavy thing to bear. Its jacket is shame, its medals are guilt.
  5. The love of God in Christ Jesus never changes. That love is for you.
  6. Jesus has gone ahead of you on the road, and promises to be with you still.
  7. We are not pursuing dragons; we are the dragons. We are, all of us, Eustace Scrubb.
  8. A truly Lenten mindset sees the season as preparatory for the resurrection life of Easter as opposed to the mortification of Good Friday.
  9. Your champion steps forward.
  10. He shows up when we are at our worst to usher us back to his side, lead us to repentance, rescue us, and reclaim us as his own.
  11. The number forty calls to remembrance narratives of God’s great acts of redemption, but also our conformity to and participation in those narratives.
  12. We are the fruit that grows from the branch, which extends from the trunk of the tree, which is rooted in the soil that it grows out of, which is all Christ.