1. Yes, Christmas brings joy, but no less danger
  2. We still think we can sort own own problems with more money, more education, more resources, more techniques, more, more, more.
  3. Tolkien's hero Tom Bombadil functions to showcase the Gospel
  4. No plot spoilers here just some really Good News
  5. The goodness of God's grace is also offensive to our egos
  6. Of all the Inklings, Williams was certainly the most enigmatic. His mind and body were always moving.
  7. Even at Lewis’ graveside, Havard was a faithful friend, and a friend full of faith in Christ, confessing his hope in the resurrection.
  8. Lewis takes us to the planets to satisfy our cravings for spiritual adventure, which, as he says, “sends our imaginations off the Earth,” in the first place.
  9. Prior sees much of evangelicalism’s imaginary trouble arising from the fact that it emphasizes quick and dramatic conversion experiences and a personally directed relationship with God.
  10. This is an excerpt from “Finding God in the Darkness: Hopeful Reflections from the Pits of Depression, Despair, and Disappointment” by Bradley Gray (1517 Publishing, 2023).
  11. We may not all be mass-murdering Nazis. But we all have the same root sin that causes the most egregious criminal activity on the face of the earth. We all have the desire to be our own God.
  12. The Parable of the Lost Sheep bursts through the confines of convention and demands that we embrace the messiness of life and the unpredictable ways in which God's grace and forgiveness operates.