1. As we do our part in the mission of our Master, we join with all believers to keep a constant and uninterrupted vigil until the great day of His return.
  2. Verses like this, when kept in the Law, keep the Bible a closed book of condemnation. Without Christ to unlock the scriptures and to open up the Gospel for us, we cannot be saved.
  3. The following poem was written by Tanner Olson to accompany 1517’s 2023 Advent Resources, The Clothing of the King. Advent begins this Sunday.
  4. Sober Up, He’s Coming! In this episode of the Banned Books podcast, we read Aelfric’s Advent homily while discussing decorating churches for Christmas, the importance of symbolism for the Christian faith, what a tide is, and why the books Genesis and Revelation reference everything regarding faith and life.
  5. Why make Christmas a time of rushing and dashing around, when instead we could enter into a quiet time of the waiting of Advent?
  6. On this episode of Preaching the Text, John Hoyum and Steve Paulson discuss one of the end times sayings of Christ from the Gospel of Mark.
  7. God did not rend the heavens and come down to collect the righteous for Himself. He came from a lineage of sinners to be their Savior.
  8. This article comes to us from our friend’s at Storymakers and was written by Jane Grizzle. For more information on Storymakers, please visit their website.

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