1. A solid structure, a lively skeleton, inarguably makes your messages more life-giving. They will be clearer, more interesting, and easier both to follow and to remember.
  2. Sin affects body and soul, right down to the core of our humanity. It calls for a drastic cure, for extreme measures.
  3. But what God’s people want and need more than a perfect sermon, or even necessarily a polished one, is a true one.
  4. The outward sins we do all begin with Sin hidden in our hearts. But we cannot see that, it has to be revealed to us by a spiritual scan, an MRI from above.
  5. The ancients had a process for preparing to give a speech that has come down to us as the so-called “canons” (or stages) of rhetoric, which continues to be useful for orators of all kinds, not least preachers.

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