1. Finding the balance between indifferentism and obsessiveness has never been easy, and it’s especially difficult in our environment.
  2. Vilification of the other is married to the justification of the self.
  3. History is the painful realization that we aren’t the ones who can save the world but, rather, we’re the ones who get saved.
  4. In Jesus, the most totalizing summary of the law becomes the gospel of the one made perfect through obedience.
  5. In the place of God, Marx sets the material, autonomous, self-creating man.
  6. Whatever body part you are, the body of Christ is no pod person. Together, we’re a living, breathing, deathless whole.
  7. Moses is no Jesus but he, like us, is saved by Him. The law cannot enter the promised land, and yet the true and greater promised land is occupied by nothing but lawbreakers.
  8. Through Martin Luther, God would unleash a far greater storm than the one which overwhelmed Luther on July 2, 1505.
  9. The worship service is less like servants entering the throne room to wait on the king’s needs and more like a father joining his family around the dining room table.
  10. It’s God’s power that we are dealing with here that is made perfect in weakness, not ours. God’s power is made perfect in the weakness of the cross.
  11. There’s no possibility of understanding the grace of Romans 6 and the glory of Romans 8 unless you identify with the excruciating struggle of Romans 7.