1. Despite our best efforts to avoid him, King Jesus remains very much unavoidable.
  2. The king has arrived and has already begun his reign forever and ever.
  3. Who would ever want all these screamers and haters? It turns out that Christ does.
  4. The lesson of Malachi reveals God’s love for his people. When the people ask for proof of God’s love, he reminds them of their election.
  5. We will not become hopeless because the Lord is with us.
  6. For with God we look not for the order of nature, but rest our faith in the power of him who works.
  7. The Church stands firm on the word of promise that Christ will one day return to change what we know by faith into sight.
  8. Preachers and church workers must also hear the gospel preached to them.
  9. We don’t start with behavior and work toward Christ. We start with Christ and everything works out from there.
  10. Even though All Saints is a day for remembering the dead, it is not a day of mourning.
  11. Every incendiary move of God’s Spirit is accompanied by a group of penitent people rediscovering the power and preeminence of God’s Word.
  12. Logos theology is a theology of presence without division. It is a way of unification, of which the incarnation is the greatest visible example.