1. If Jesus did not rise, then religion is just religion — a mere anthropological phenomenon.
  2. The resurrection of Jesus encompasses the total and comprehensive glorification of a human being, not merely his restoration.
  3. The Holy Spirit unleashes his power through us, his vines, and we then get to watch as his fruits blossom and ripen.
  4. If we believe that ours is truly the greatest story ever told, then we must share that story in creative ways and allow it to change the desires of its hearers.
  5. One word from one God says it all to our tired hearts.
  6. Caesar boasted: “I came. I saw. I conquered.” Christ can rightly say: “I came. I saved. I ascended.”
  7. It’s not our eloquence or persuasive rhetoric that changes hearts, but the Word of God that pierces through the hardened shells of unbelief and breathes life into the dead bones of sinners.
  8. This is an excerpt from chapter 9 of “What Can Really Know?: The Strengths and Limits of Human Understanding” by David Andersen (1517 Publishing, 2023).
  9. No matter how far away they wander, God always hears the prayers of his children.
  10. Prayer is not just about asking for things. It's about receiving what has already been given to us in Christ.
  11. Jesus is the only answer to the nagging question. He is the only way to make sense of this unsettling story in Exodus 4.
  12. May you believe, in this thin-line world, that this Jesus is for you, not against you.