1. There is a revival, no less real and even more definitive, taking place in every church, every weekend, where God’s people gather around his gifts.
  2. Even as he was dying, the heart of God poured itself out for the sake of sinners.
  3. I think the problem with the idea of eternity is that we do not have any direct experience of it, but we encounter enough of its possibility to be unsettling.
  4. We assert, we herald, the truth about God becoming King of the world in and through Jesus of Nazareth alone. It is our public announcement.
  5. Rejoice with Mary as she would rejoice with you. Be blessed, like her, with humility from God, so that you may serve joyfully and willingly wherever and in whatever role God has placed you.
  6. By his first Advent in the flesh, through his second Advent with bread and wine and water and Word, we await his third Advent at the end.
  7. While the world is full of horizons and endpoints, for Christians, there is always tomorrow, and there are people in that tomorrow waiting for us as we wait for them.
  8. We ache in eager anticipation as we see Christ in action and as we take in the snapshots of his life, death, and resurrection.
  9. We live again, not so that we will now pay our debt, but to proclaim that we live because our debt was paid!
  10. The power of the Word of God is the power of God himself, for he is always faithful to his Word.
  11. A group of unassuming apostles was given a graphic illustration of how the Lord would use them to turn the world right-side-up through the upside-down logic of grace.