1. It would serve us well to embrace the beauty of our diversity within the unity of the body of Christ.
  2. What does professional wrestling and preaching have in common?
  3. What (if anything) makes a sermon distinctive?
  4. Yes, Christmas brings joy, but no less danger
  5. What’s the big deal about Jesus’ name?
  6. An Anglo-Saxon poem gives fresh insight to the cross
  7. Amy Mantravadi asks if we should forgive others even if they are not repentant
  8. Any message other than "Christ for you" is not good news.
  9. As much as we want the glory, riches, and knowledge of Dantes, what we need is Jean Valjean's candlesticks.
  10. The legacy of Jonah is troubled with most remembering him not for what he said but for what he did: run away.