Jesus has instituted his living-breathing disciples, his shepherds in his church, to declare the full forgiveness of sins.
Are you tempted to say with the father in Mark 9, today or any day, "Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief"?
The mere fact of “having faith” or saying that “you believe” is not as important as in what or in whom your faith rests.

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Sometimes in hanging on to our useless guilt, we are idolaters. We believe our sin or conscience is more powerful than our God.
We can appreciate what we have received from God, we can receive it all as free gift, but only when we stop investing in fool's gold.
Paul calls them the fruits of the Spirit after all
To say that whoever loves has been born of God is also to say that those who are born of God are recipients of love. They do not have God because they love but because they are loved.
Do you confess Christ as God in the flesh, born, died, and raised to new life for you? Any answer of yes will do
Jesus is the anti-Cain: a giver, not a taker.
When we cry to the Lord in our trouble, he will send us a preacher with words that deliver us from destruction.
Hope is found precisely while we’re dead.
It’s the notion of mercy that leads us to the atonement, and it is the atonement that provides a foundational basis for the justification of sinners.
One of the primary reasons we do not have to fear the future is because the future is certain in Christ.
Lord, today we remember...
When God makes promises, he is incapable of not keeping them.