1. When the Savior gets on our trail, nothing, not even the grave and hell, can stop him.
  2. In normal human relationships, when reconciliation is necessary, we place the burden on the person who did wrong, who disrupted the relationship.
  3. A “good death” and “good life” are not accomplished through personal striving but are grasped by faith in the promises of God.
  4. Your justification isn’t a matter of “Jesus plus” anything.
  5. When you see the year ending, thank the Lord, because he had led you into this cycle of years.
  6. C.S. Lewis, Grief, and the Holiday Season
  7. We know that death does not have the last word in Christ.
  8. Faith sees your neighbor not as a means to an end, not as a way to score points, but as an object of love: Christ's love and yours.
  9. What if Jesus had said on the cross, “Earn it”?
  10. In that moment of greatest despair, we find the antidote for all our fears. We know we are beloved of God and there is salvation in Christ’s atoning death.
  11. This is an excerpt from “Finding God in the Darkness: Hopeful Reflections from the Pits of Depression, Despair, and Disappointment” by Bradley Gray (1517 Publishing, 2023).
  12. The existence of aliens can not negate the promise given to us by God courtesy of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.