1. This divine self-attestation is, in other words, the Lord preaching the Word of the Lord; the Christ of the Gospel preaching the Gospel of Christ.
  2. Our stories, be they never so inspiring or worthy of emulation, should never be equated with proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel Jesus Christ commissioned to be proclaimed.
  3. The greatest example of consistency and the Spirit of loving generosity is, of course, Jesus Christ our Lord.
  4. Paul’s endurance substantiated and authenticated his ministry as being “of God” in ways not unlike other Christian witnesses and martyrs.
  5. With the resurrection of the Christ the mystery of life after death became a lot less mysterious. It moved from the realm of conjecture and fantasy to a reality grounded in (of all things!) our human bodies
  6. I found in Jonathan Edwards an unexpected voice articulating beautiful aspects of death through the lens of Christ.
  7. Eyes which are fixed on what is unseen will see the entire world in a different way.
  8. By death the Christian is brought to the actual possession of all his happiness, which is nothing other than Christ and all the benefits Christ has procured for His saints.
  9. Just as the condemnation embraces us even now, so too does the remedy and the promise. Both are found in the cross of Christ.
  10. One now finds Edwards frequently commenting on the beautiful things about nature, life, and Christ, and he also manifests a creative perception of beauty when considering the most morose of topics: Death.
  11. The real point of the tongues phenomenon lies not with spiritual endowments but in its redemptive historical significance.
  12. The one who believes has the Spirit, the water, and the blood literally within himself, bearing witness to the individual that Jesus is the risen and ruling savior of the world.

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