1. Oftentimes when we are serving in ministry, we brainstorm outreach and growth. But what does growth look like when you live in a rural setting? What does growth look like when things remain small?
  2. What is it mean to be blessed? What does it mean to bless others? In this episode, we talk about the power of words, and the power of the gospel given through words.
  3. In this episode, Katie and Gretchen talk about how law and gospel distinctions affect relationships we have at church and in ministry.
  4. Sometimes the guilt in us manifests itself in different ways. Whether it's a weight or sadness, anger or venting, blame or defensiveness, we see it in ourselves and we see it in our relationships.
  5. In this episode, Katie and Gretchen get sidetracked and talk about food and the routines of farm life. That's mainly because eating is something we love to do every day. They address questions like: when are liturgies helpful, and when are they harmful?
  6. I love the liturgy of my church, and ache for its full return. When all the world is changing, and everything is disrupted, what comes to mind is what is unchanging: the grace of God.
  7. My family fills a row of chairs in the sanctuary of our church. I always feel bad for the people who sit around my noisy family. Our pastor loves children and has told me once he struggles to preach on the Sundays when they are all whisked off to Children's Church after the music once a month because the sanctuary is too quiet.