1. Is It True, Or Is It Truly True? In this episode, we discuss election, true and false church, law, mercy, and why we can’t stop judging the Gospel as we read Philip Melanchthon’s 1541 commentary on Paul’s letter to the Romans.
  2. Love Amongst The Cling-Ons. In this episode, we discuss Philip Melanchthon’s Loci Communes, focusing our attention on justification, faith, love, and prayer.
  3. Melanchthon is both massively influential to Lutheranism but is often described as a detractor of Lutheranism because of some late writings.
  4. Today you’ll hear the giddy voice of Dr. Keith and the calm demeanor of Dr. Kolb as they go over the details concerning the history, background, and Loci of Philip Melanchthon. If you're even remotely interested in Lutheran theology this is an episode you shouldn’t miss. Sit back, relax, grab a drink, and listen to the show.