1. Being a member of a church connects people to the whole reason the church has for existing: that we might obtain justifying faith in Jesus Christ through Word and Sacrament.
  2. If I’m going to join your church, there’s some things I’ll need to know first. I need to know whether you practice a Christianity that’s primarily a to-do list.
  3. In this episode, Gillespie and Riley read and discuss Charles Spurgeon's sermon, "God or Self - Which?" This week, traditions, rituals, and a lot of talk about pastoral care.
  4. This week, Gillespie and Riley read from Dostoevsky's novel, The Idiot, and discuss the roots of the Roman Catholic church, atheism, socialism, and distinguishing between Christ and the Gospel and our own need to be God in God's place.
  5. You say "Catholic" church, I say "Christian" church. This clause of the creed is sometimes changed in Protestant churches to keep people from being confused, but we think you can handle the original, rich meaning of the term instead of a sectarian interpretation. The Rev. Del Campbell, who could have filled two episodes with stories and anecdotes, joined the show to discuss the gospel hope found in this clause.
  6. How should we read Paul, ya’ll? Why reading the Bible like a Southerner makes sense of confusing passages.
  7. In an age when the phrase “new and improved” applies to everything from phones to marriages, when we as a nation mimic juveniles, lustily pursuing the next new thing, the worst decision a church can make is to cater to this weakness.
  8. Our little congregation is part of a much larger church—the body of Christ, both here on earth as well as in heaven. And that church worships 24/7, never ceasing in its adoration of Jesus our Savior.
  9. On episode NINETEEN of Let the Bird Fly! the guys clear the studio and just have a good ol’ conversation with themselves (no guests or kids around this time).
  10. Some form of the Rule of Benedict will not save or reinvigorate the church. The church already has what the church needs to do her work in the world: she has the Gospel.
  11. You may be surprised to discover that, rather than changing your theology, these other voices deepen and expand it in ways that never would have happened if you listened only to the “approved” voices.

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