Augustine (11)
  1. What is it about the cross and its embrace of shame that informs and inspires Christians, who, for various reasons, might find themselves inscribed by shame, to no longer be shameful?
  2. A brief summary of Augustin'e view of friendship is followed by some quotes by Augustine
  3. Augustine makes plain that the overarching aim of style is not to be showy; it’s to be an instrument of Spirit-led persuasion.
  4. Neither attentive note-taking, nor appreciative head-nods, nor even sympathetic tears satisfy the purpose of preaching. Only lives that are changed by the Word working in the hearts of God’s people can do that.
  5. We cannot overstate that no person outside the Bible has been as influential to Christian theology as Augustine.
  6. Finding the balance between indifferentism and obsessiveness has never been easy, and it’s especially difficult in our environment.
  7. In writing City of God, Augustine sought to demonstrate that the events of 410 were but a glimpse of all history.
  8. Sometimes we have to strain hard to hear words deeper than our hearts. Words not from inside, but outside. Words from God, not our own self-spun narratives.
  9. Instead of defining the true church in the way of the law, Augustine approaches the issue pastorally in the way of the gospel.
  10. Jesus offer us this vision of violence not so we might be drawn into it but so we might be drawn through it to come closer to Him.
  11. The more that we hear the law, the more we recognize others as those who, like us, are torn and tattered by the wounds of sin and brokenness.