1. Dear hearers of the word of God, you are finished. You cannot be the same now. All that is ended, over.
  2. And We Are Live! In this episode, we go live for Holy Week and answer listeners' questions: election, repentance, the church, law and gospel, and on and on we go.
  3. I hate to break it to you, but "are" is not an action verb. "Are" is a being verb.
  4. I can guarantee you that when Paul was overtaken by the Spirit and inspired to write these words, he did not have in mind your local school's boys' basketball tournament.
  5. Renowned Luther scholar and professor emeritus of Systematic Theology at Concordia Seminary St. Louis, Dr. Robert Kolb, sits down with Kelsi to discuss two kinds of righteousness (or two fold righteousness).
  6. You’re not new because of what you do. You’re new and so you do new things, even in spite of yourself, because of your sinful nature.
  7. Sometimes in hanging on to our useless guilt, we are idolaters. We believe our sin or conscience is more powerful than our God.
  8. The Psalms of David: Words From a Sinner After God's Own Heart
  9. If you are going to lose your life for the gospel’s sake, you must begin by hearing it.
  10. Cyril’s fervor for pure explication of the gospel was present throughout his career.
  11. There’s no possibility of understanding the grace of Romans 6 and the glory of Romans 8 unless you identify with the excruciating struggle of Romans 7.

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