Scripture (9)
  1. Put down all the other documents you take for granted, light a cuban, drip some water on your sugar sitting in spoon over your Pernod’s, and consider the possibility that God’s thoughts are recorded down on papyrus.
  2. Need a resurrection in your life? Listen to Ringside.
  3. We aren't cancelled yet. Maybe this will be the show! Come and witness history...
  4. "Is all that we see or seem, but a dream within a dream?" Poe is wrong. Though we have lulled ourselves asleep, the reality is far brighter and beautiful than we imagine. Christ is risen and so shall we. The dreamer who dreams is He.
  5. Like needing to find a bathroom, the urgency of preaching the presence of God’s kingdom should be felt in the very inner being of every pastor. Not that anything has changed, but God is definitely demonstrating the vulnerability of sinners to the masses. The harvest is now!
  6. A crisis isn’t all bad. Crisis encourages us to recognize who we are and what is real. Ringside meets the Craft of Preaching with Dr. Bruce Schuchard exploring the crazy history of this sinful world and a preacher’s response to it. The Cross of Christ speaks volumes above anything that is offered as an empty solution. Come Lord Jesus!
  7. Get the latest news and most accurate scholarly assessments from a few preacher men. Or just sit back and enjoy your beer.
  8. The power of music: a natural expression of the children of God! Repent and believe the good news.
  9. Don't let people convince you that staying home is heroic. Unless of course you are listening to Ringside while staying home! Than you, my friend, are an Erol Flynn! Luther on the Resurrection.