1. We have special guest, Aimee Byrd, on today to talk about her journey in being a woman who studies theology. She shares the purpose on each of her books and how they build off of one another, leading up to her most recent book that we are discussing today on Biblical manhood and womanhood.
  2. Justification and regeneration are, therefore, necessarily connected and have profound implications upon the craft of preaching.
  3. In one more episode before our interview, we wanted to go over Titus 2, which is often the prooftext given for the false idea that men and women are sanctified differently. This episode could fit both in our discussion of womanhood in the Bible, as well as verses frequently taken out of context.
  4. Faith should later again flow forth from our heart’s depths to our neighbor freely and unhindered in good works; not that we wish to rest our salvation in them; for God will not have that, but wishes the conscience to rest in himself alone.
  5. There are plenty of reasons why you do not already do whatever you want out of fear of the law, and you will find these reasons persist and remain long after the gospel has its way with you.
  6. We had 2 different listeners ask us: what does mortification of sin, also known as mortification of the flesh look like? In this episode, we talk about where this term came from, and what it means.
  7. What God created, God will grow. We don’t add a few stitches onto his creation.
  8. The new life Christ opened for us in His justifying resurrection, the new life into which we were baptized is a life of faith.

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