1. Luther recognized that in the penitential psalms, God gives us the words to cry out to Him in our distress, lament our sins, and confess trust in the promise of His righteousness in which alone is our sure and certain hope.
  2. When we own up to our sin, our Father is not scandalized, and his response is not to reconsider his calling us.
  3. We are talking about the abundance of forgiveness today, with special guests, Daniel Emery Price, and Erick Sorensen from the "30 Minutes in the New Testament" podcast.
  4. Even for idolatrous sellouts like you and me, God’s position has not changed. Even though we may have forgotten him, he never forgets us.
  5. The thought of losing even one of those for whom his Son died pains God beyond belief, and the angels rejoice when even one of his children repents.
  6. Fourteen years ago, drowning in the muck of dark despair, in the middle of a life gone terribly wrong, I wrote in my journal, "I wonder how, once this is all over, how I’ll be, how I’ll turn out…” Now I know.
  7. Grace and mercy are a powerful act of the Almighty God. God alone can grant forgiveness and restoration, salvation from the sorrow of this world.
  8. Jim Nestingen and Steve Paulson join Caleb and Scott to discuss the Smalcald Articles.
  9. To repent in his name is done thus: in those who believe in Christ God through the same faith works a change for the better, not for a moment, nor for an hour, but for their whole life.
  10. In this episode we talk about who does what in repentance. It can be easy to put ourselves in the driver's seat of someone else's repentance.
  11. Is repentance really just an afterthought or a one-time event? Or is it the way of the Christian life in which God turns us away from ourselves and towards His Son.

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