1. The proclamation of Christ's coming is for all people, at all times.
  2. To a world enslaved to time (because it has no future), the Church's disregard for clocks and calendars is ridiculous.
  3. God's city is beautiful because God has constructed it to offer eternal safety to all weary sinners.
  4. God doesn't help those who help themselves. He saves those who can't do anything for themselves.
  5. When God's Word went to the cross and made full payment for all our sinful, self-serving, self-seeking activities, and then rose from the dead, Jesus added an "always and forever" to our days and life.
  6. The more we demand from Christ, the more of Himself He gives to us. When we demand a glass of grace, He gives us an ocean of Gospel.
  7. We long for the Great Thanksgiving that hasn’t happened yet.
  8. This week, Gillespie and Riley read from William Barclay's spiritual biography, whether all people go to heaven.
  9. What Jesus says is simple, but the simplest things are difficult, and difficulty causes friction.
  10. Advent is the season when the Church declares to a world overwhelmed by excuses, lies, and cruelty that their Savior comes.
  11. His consolation will accompany us in the midst of sickness and death. He will strengthen us, even strengthen us to carry the cross of old age.
  12. This is why a Christian must keep learning to forget himself so long as he lives.