1. Simple Man. In this episode, we read G.K. Chesterton and discuss everything from simple living to the death and resurrection of Christ as the foundation of reality, the higher meaning of cups, and why a tomato is just a tomato.
  2. How are we filled with the knowledge and spirtiual wisdom and understanding of God?
  3. We begin the New Year of Tough Texts with James 1:5-8, where James instructs believers to seek wisdom from God.
  4. Is Proverbs 31 inspiring or burdening to women? Is it a passage that's just for women? What do you think when you think about Proverbs 31? Where is the gospel in this passage?
  5. What is a "Parable" and why does Jesus seem to speak in such mysteries? Your hosts Pastor Troy Neujahr and Pastor Craig Donofrio explain this Jesus way of communicating to you and for you.
  6. Our goal is to proclaim the genuine good news—that’s what “Gospel” means—of Christ’s forgiveness for you. We do not offer you better tips, techniques or checklists. Instead, You Are Forgiven is sermons by faithful pastors who will clearly show how you cannot be forgiven by your own efforts, no matter how well you do on your homework, your checklist of tasks. But they will also show how you are actually and already forgiven because Jesus has done all that is needed, for you!