1. The invisible world is present though we often aren’t as conscious of it.
  2. In Jesus, the most totalizing summary of the law becomes the gospel of the one made perfect through obedience.
  3. None of us can enter the Kingdom of God based on our righteousness. Whether we realize it at the time, we are being carried through this life by our loving Savior.
  4. I trust that because of the gospel, God will continue to mend what I, in my sin, continue to break.
  5. Both Paul and Martin Luther were Olympic champions when it came to ladder climbing.
  6. In the Church, the cry is, “He loves,” and it is that message which transforms our worldviews from taking to giving, from radical individualism to trans-demographic inclusivism, from selfishness to selflessness, from “tolerate my rights” to “loving rightly together.”
  7. You are not in debt to sin. You don’t owe it anything. There’s no reason for you to serve it.
  8. We don’t have to worry about deserving, earning, or reciprocating his gifts. Our Lord doesn’t give us what we deserve. We are given what he deserves, what Jesus has won for us.
  9. Look the judge in the eye and pin your sin on Jesus, the divine judge’s son. Jesus knows you can’t do it, so he trades places with you and pits himself against God’s righteous demands.
  10. Jesus meets us in our life of lies, in our falsehoods, in the untruth of our being, and in the company, we create to cover up our nakedness.
  11. The way to salvation does not consist in works invented by men, but that which leads to God is believing and trusting in Him.
  12. As the body positivity movement has gained traction, we must also be aware of some of its pitfalls

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