1. When Jesus leaves His disciples, He leaves them in a world that is more fully alive because of His gift of the Holy Spirit.
  2. The real point of the tongues phenomenon lies not with spiritual endowments but in its redemptive historical significance.
  3. “Can these bones live?” God asks Ezekiel, challenging the prophet and all who have ever looked into the face of death, and calling for a response.
  4. Jesus is found in places of suffering, both with the one suffering and with the one giving mercy, in the most mysterious of ways.
  5. The Holy Spirit is no skeptic. He asserts Christ has been raised from the dead.
  6. A good shepherd takes the little lamb from the flock and holds it in their arms.
  7. Those who imagine God as hard and ungracious are judged severely. Those who trust in God’s mercy in Jesus are encouraged immensely.
  8. Faith trusts that the Lord is as His Word and His Word is as His person and nature.
  9. The Day of the Lord will be the “day of the Lord’s sacrifice.” That is how He will handle wrath and sin, by bloodshed and sacrifice.

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