The best way to get at the Gospel in our Amos reading is to connect it to Christ. It is too easy and tempting to associate it with social justice today. Our people will not need much encouragement to go there. What they need is the surprising and salvific connection to Christ
Jesus' active obedience is what saves you from your active sinning. He took your sin to the cross and that one act of obedience is what led to your justification by grace through faith on account of His glorious resurrection.
He is a God who changes curses into blessings. We see that clearest in Jesus, whose life, ministry, atoning death, and glorious resurrection is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
It is the humble who will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. Or, as Jesus said it elsewhere in Matthew: “The poor in spirit are blessed because theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.”
The great Gospel comfort in our text is that the Lord is not through with us either, and He will not let us die or despair. Instead, He provides everything we need for our journey in life through His Word and Sacraments.