1. Craig and Troy riff on rapid-fire parables, and Jesus trains us for the Kingdom. Go back and check out our series on parables at https://tinyurl.com/y7h8hjve
  2. What happens when Jesus tells a parable about His Kingdom? Craig and Troy discuss Christ's Kingdom operates.
  3. But the biggest problem with the Pharisee’s prayer is that he judges himself compared to other people, rather than to God. Our natural tendency is to do just this.
  4. Sow, Jesus seeds a parable and a pun, and lettuce understand. But when the corn grows, what ears hear and what ears don't?
  5. Christ strikes a blow first against the presumption of those who would storm their way into heaven by their good works.
  6. “Poverty of spirit” is not an ethical value we strive for. It is an act of God’s mercy spoken to the deepest recesses of our soul when it’s overwhelmed by God’s grace.
  7. Jesus comes to you. He binds your wounds, and he pours out his body and his blood for the forgiveness of your sins.
  8. Wade and Mike sit down together to discuss a couple of parables from Matthew 25. And while they struggle to get past the Free-for-all and into the Main Topic, we promise that they eventually get there. If you make it there too, we hope you'll enjoy!
  9. Need a break from philanthropic looting and virtue signaling? Sit down in your nice new Pottery Barn fluffy sofa, grab your oat milk latte from the ‘bucks and join a real revolution: Ringside.

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